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Lab on Mars Pro

Support arrangements


À l'initiative de Meditalents et à l'occasion des 25 ans du MCM, les deux structures s'associent pour créer Co/Lab, un espace de rencontres consacré aux longs métrages méditerranéens  développés dans les ateliers d’écriture de Méditalent : LabMed et Labdoc.
ALCIME, the association that organizes the international festival Music & Cinema Marseille, and the SACEM, offer a grant for the composition of an original score for short films. To be eligible for this grant, these short films must be shot, produced or post-produced in Provence-Alps-Côte d’Azur, the Rhône Alps or Auvergne.  

La résidence du sud

La Résidence du Sud aims to accompany authors in their francophone scenario projects.

Registration Kiosque

This year again, the MCM renews the unique feature of the Espace Kiosque. The Espace Kiosque is one of the Festival's flagship events for supporting young filmmakers and encouraging professional encounters. During one day, the Espace Kiosque offers talented screenwriters the opportunity to discuss their projects with producers.
With the support of Sacem, the MCM organizes a Master Class of Musical composition for Cinema every year. Directed by experienced and talented composers, this Master Class allow up to ten young composers and musicians to benefit from a 10-day intensive workshop to revisit the original music of several short films or films extracts. The aim is to work toward a finished work for MCM’s closing ceremony, and perform a public representation of this movie-concert, interpreted by the students.

SiRAR Site Régional d'Aide à la Réalisation


The SiRAR is a grant for directing a first short film and for composing a first original score.
The first prize offers two inseparable grants: the first one, endowed by the city of Aubagne and the Région Sud (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), offers a young author-director a grant to help with the directing of their first short film, the other awarded by Méridiens in partnership with the Conservatoire National à Rayonnement Régional Pierre Barbizet, offers a young composer a grant to help with the composition of the original music for the winning film.

For its 25th edition, Music & Cinema is once again setting up the European Market for Musical Composition - Third character device for the image dedicated to European composers, directors and producers.

International Arrangements

INMICS Composers Lab

The “InMICS Composers Lab” is an essential component of the master’s and offers students the unique opportunity to participate in a series of intensive masterclasses, workshops and training sessions given by renowned professionals.

The InMICS Composers Lab is organised by and takes place at 3 festivals: Film Fest Gent (Belgium), MUSIC & CINEMA - Festival International du Film à Marseille (France) and the Krakow Film Music Festival (Poland).


The association Alcimé, organizing structure of the Festival, is partner of the Master InMICS (International Master in Composition for Screen).

InMICS is an international master’s degree programme in composition for visual media, created in 2018 by 4 European and Canadian institutions and 4 professional organisations active in the audiovisual sector. This 2-year programme gives students the chance to hone their knowledge and skills, share their talents, and develop their own personality and projects within an international and professional environment.

Always willing to help creating production contracts ; the Festival created an internet portal ( dedicated to film music composers. Built as a tool to help composers, producers and directors get in touch, this website allow composers to expose their work, get better visibility, access production companies and meet directors. Kinoscore offers the right tools, adapted to directors’ needs, and the possibility to find the composer who fits their audiovisual project.

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